The DUER must be updated according to the crisis situation of the COVID19
In accordance with article R. 4121-2, the single document of evaluation of the professional risks must be updated, because of the current epidemic related to the virus COVID-19.
The updating of the single document must allow :
- to identify the work situations for which the conditions of transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19 can be met (social distance not respected…)
- to provide for adequate prevention and protection measures, including, for example, the securing of installations in degraded mode if necessary.
Some specific populations need special attention when updating the risk assessment, including:
- People with chronic pathologies: asthma, renal failure, heart failure, high blood pressure or other cardiovascular history…
- people with diabetes (the risk increases especially for unbalanced or complicated diabetes), as well as
- people with immune deficiency (e.g., those with uncontrolled HIV).
The updating of the single document must also integrate the new risks generated by the degraded functioning of the company
- space planning
- work reorganization
- assignment to a new workstation and management of the associated training
- telecommuting
- psychosocial risks
- and those related to exposure to the virus.
In general, this unprecedented crisis leads us to have a broader vision of biological risk, to have a health crisis management organization and adequate resources.
We can assist you (online or by phone) in the realization of this update and propose you a web tool. Contact us for more information!