Occupational safety & health

Security Assessement

An accident at work is often a human tragedy, the source of significant costs, the origin of the liability of managers and a loss of image

Why Novallia

Our assets

A global vision of risk management

Organizational measures

A definition of organizational measures to improve risk prevention

Definition of actions

A definition of actions to improve the control and overall management of its risks and hazards


A mastery of the regulatory framework guaranteeing support adapted to your needs, means and constraints


A follow-up in the prevention of risks


Personalized support for each site

The security assessment includes two different approaches:

  • an approach to specific safety regulations: the SAFETY REGULATORY DIAGNOSIS
  • and an operational approach, it is the DIAGNOSIS OF THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF SECURITY.

The occupational health and safety regulations with which companies must comply are numerous and strict. Mastering the regulations and therefore complying with the regulatory obligations makes it possible to limit the number of situations in which liability is called into question, but at the same time to improve the company’s performance in terms of safety and economics.

Novallia offers a regulatory diagnosis that allows companies :

  • identify, on site, the Company’s activities and facilities and the associated hazards and risks
  • to determine the regulations applicable to the site’s activities and installations in terms of health and safety at work, on the basis of the previous field survey and the single document
  • Identify the organizational measures (procedures, instructions, verifications, training, etc.) and documents required and existing
  • to draw up recommendations for courses of action, orientation, corrective actions or methodological advice (if possible, an estimate of the investment costs is established)

In the case of the diagnosis of the operational security control: Novallia offers a follow-up in the prevention of the risks that is to say:

  • the definition of actions to improve the overall control and management of its risks and hazards
  • the definition of technical and organizational measures to improve risk prevention
Regulatory and normative texts
Companies that manage their compliance with our web application
Compliance assistance missions per year
Users of our web tools

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Customized solutions to ensure compliance and risk management

With rigor, ethics and benevolence!