Occupational safety & health

Safety culture diagnostic

Why Novallia

Our assets

A global vision of risk management

Adapted diagnosis

A diagnosis adapted to your company taking into account :

  • the level of maturity of the existing safety culture
  • of its functioning
  • its objectives and constraints


Support in an inventory of the elements representing obstacles or levers to the evolution of the existing safety culture in your establishment

A personalized accompaniment

Safety culture represents the set of values, beliefs and behaviors shared by the actors of an organization to control the most important risks of their activity.

The latest industrial accidents have shown that progress in safety has reached a limit. Moreover, this progress cannot be achieved only by technical measures or management systems, but also by having a vision of what is really experienced by the company’s personnel in terms of security.

At Novallia, our approach consists of helping you to set up and maintain a safe production management process over time by providing you with :

  • expertise and advice in taking into account human and organizational factors in terms of production and safety management,
  • opportunities for further training in these areas,
  • Team leadership skills,
  • proposing various management tools (visual management, challenges, displays, films, etc.)
  • the creation of supports…
Regulatory and normative texts
Companies that manage their compliance with our web application
Compliance assistance missions per year
Users of our web tools

Contact us

Customized solutions to ensure compliance and risk management

With rigor, ethics and benevolence!