Why Novallia
A global vision of risk management
Development of operational POIs that are easy to implement and follow. Adapted to each country and issue.
One sheet per scenario listing the equipment, means and other measures required
Objective and precise evaluation of risk scenarios to determine the major ones
Carrying out training within the company for the actors of the plan.
Assistance in carrying out POI exercises
Novallia offers a general service/performance in the organization and structuring of the Internal Operation Plan (POI), which is an obligation for any company classified as SEVESO or in certain sites subject to authorization under the ICPE regulations.
Novallia proposes to follow a multi-step method. First of all, we carry out a diagnosis and a documentary study of the initial situation, followed by a highlighting of the company’s assets and the areas of improvement on which it should focus.
Through the implementation of a complete and exhaustive Internal Operations Plan, adjusted to the particularities of the site, we propose a crisis management organization that is optimized and adapted to each case. The company is accompanied throughout the process, from the setting up of the POI to the realization of training exercises.
In Senegal, an interministerial decree n° 4862 of July 14, 1999, makes it mandatory to draw up a POI for first-class establishments and certain second-class establishments upon request from the Ministry of the Environment. In Senegal, the POI will include 7 chapters: geographical situation / risk assessment / inventory of means / alert / organization of assistance / training and information / preliminary training exercises.
In Tunisia, the Order of February 20, 2010 sets the terms of reference of the hazard study and the internal operation plan relating to dangerous, unhealthy or inconvenient establishments of the first and second categories
Initial diagnosis and literature review
Highlighting of assets and areas for improvement
Creation and provision of a complete and exhaustive Internal Operations Plan adapted to the specificities of the sites
Proposal of an optimized crisis management organization
Support in the implementation of the Internal Operation Plan and in the realization of training exercises
Contact us
With rigor, ethics and benevolence!
CH : +41 32 725 26 27
FR : +33 1 44 29 92 50
TN : +216 71 948 797
MA : +216 71 948 797
SN : +221 77 873 61 43
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