Save time on your work
Outsourcing your regulatory watch with Novallia means gaining efficiency and time to anticipate changes
The issues
Laws and regulations are constantly evolving: not a day goes by without a text being amended, modified or repealed… The multiplication of decision-making levels has multiplied the sources of legislation: new standards can be issued by the city, the canton, the region, as well as at the national, international or European level.
Faced with the growing number and complexity of regulations, regulatory monitoring and compliance have become major concerns for companies for two main reasons:
1) meet the health and safety requirements of employees and customers
2) to avoid the sometimes painful consequences of uncontrolled risks but also of ever stricter administrative (and sanitary) controls.
The web-based tool provided by NOVALLIA frees you from this constraint by guaranteeing a customized regulatory watch and compliance audit, whatever your activity and the size of your company.
Monitoring and compliance solution
Monitoring and compliance solution
Monitoring and compliance solution
Text database
Our lawyers compile all regulations and standards, analyze them and comment on them when necessary.
The following regulatory areas:
with international rights
In the customized database, each text is broken down into applicable text and then applicable requirements, and commented on by Novallia’s regulatory experts.
An international approach: our texts are based on the regulations of a dozen countries but they can be extended and customized on request
Each piece of content can be customized: regulatory references, legal texts, standards, internal Group requirements, supplier requirements, etc.
Our general and customized databases are comprehensive and constantly updated. The subscriber is notified of text changes.
Carrying out its regulatory monitoring with a solution like NV Site’s meets the regulatory monitoring requirements of the ISO 14001, 50001 and 45001 standards.
HSE domains: Environment, Health & Safety, Energy, Food Safety, Transportation, + OTHER: HR, Finance, Data Protection …
In SaaS mode
A web application developed in Saas mode and continuously improved internally.
With powerful features for processing and tracking compliance assessments and action plans.
For single sites and multi-site infrastructures
And whose safety is the number one priority.
Hosting is highly secure with daily data backup and above average uptime
Several languages of use: French, English, German
Text by text, requirement by requirement or via Audit Grids
Export / re-import in Excel or via portability on tablets
Automated system of action plan and task reminders
Semi-automatic generation of action plans
Historical record of closed non-conformities
Powerful multi-criteria text search engine
Indicators with time trend
Explanatory synthesis of complex texts
Appendices and Illustrations" sheets with tables and other regulatory information
Tool "open" to customers: management of users, sites, texts, news...
"The NVSite tool has provided us with performance and security in relation to the processing of regulatory requirements for our industrial sites, and we particularly appreciate its ergonomics and reliability. In addition, the personalized monitoring bulletins improve our efficiency in identifying and prioritizing the processing of regulatory texts. We are very satisfied with the professionalism, availability and knowledge of our industrial facilities by Novallia experts. We get quick answers to specific questions related to the understanding of regulatory texts. The relationship between customer and supplier is excellent. "
"Our regulatory monitoring process was rather haphazard and we did not have any software adapted to the matter. Novallia's team and its web tool saved us a lot of time thanks to intelligent data decryption and the assistance of experienced engineers. "
"NV Site, Novallia's regulatory monitoring tool, is very easy to use and gives us an interesting and clear overview. In addition, the efficient and responsive assistance of the engineers provides us with precise answers to our questions and rapid transmission of documents. "
Additional services
Our engineers and lawyers specialized in the HSE field will assist you in setting up your regulatory watch and in your compliance audits.
Your benefits
Contact us
With rigor, ethics and benevolence!
CH : +41 32 725 26 27
FR : +33 1 44 29 92 50
TN : +216 71 948 797
MA : +216 71 948 797
SN : +221 77 873 61 43
Quick links
Legal information – Website by ABCeez DIGITAL