Mohamed vous assiste pour l'ISO 14001

Why ISO 14001?

What are the advantages of ISO 14001? 🤔

👉🏾 WHAT IS ISO 14001?

Would you like to set up an environmental management system?

The implementation of an environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard is based on a voluntary approach that should enable :
➡️ gain a better understanding of the environmental impacts generated by your activities;
➡️ guarantee compliance with regulations
➡️ improve practices with a view to reducing environmental impact;

ISO 14001 establishes a number of requirements designed to improve the environmental performance of companies through a virtuous approach to continuous improvement and environmental protection. This involves :
➡️ Defining the organization’s objectives
➡️ Planning actions to reduce the environmental impact and risks associated with its activity
➡️ Implementing these actions in concrete terms, by involving personnel.
➡️ monitoring implementation, and making any necessary adjustments
➡️ Verify the efficiency of the measures taken, their compliance with applicable legislation, and validate the objectives achieved.

⚡️ What are the advantages of ISO 14001 certification?

Controlling your environmental impact is particularly important for the planet, but has other benefits too:

➡️ Financial benefits: reduced water and energy consumption, lower transport costs, etc.
➡️ Enhanced corporate reputation and improved relations with interested parties (citizens, government, NGOs, insurance companies, banks, etc.).
➡️ Elimination of fines for breaches of regulations and formal notices.

In Dakar, Mohamed Seydi guides you towards ISO 14001 certification. Don’t hesitate to contact him directly at Novallia Senegal:

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